This position represents the classic damsel-in-distress of the silver screen. In the normal variant shown here the elbows are tied touching together behind the back, wrists are tied, and the legs are tied together above and below the knees as well as at the ankles. The elbows together produce a strenuous tie and the shoulders-back position forces the subject into an involuntary display of her bosom, thus emphasising the sexuality of the subject. However, the fact that the legs are bound together so conclusively renders any sexual activity rather difficult, so this is considered a modest pose, suitable for display, tease and disciplinary use. The variant shown here adds a crotch rope and a drawn-tight satin scarf gag.Ariel says:“I love this position, because I think it forces my body into an elegant shape. Having elbows tied together makes my back arch and my chest stick out, which isn’t exactly comfortable but it feels very glamorous to me, and I’ve never ever been able to wriggle out of an elbows-together tie because it just doesn’t allow enough movement to make it possible.